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IMV Inc. is a Canada-based company. The Company has no business operations.

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  • Breakthorough1X
Post by Breakthorough1on Mar 02, 2024 5:17pm
Post# 35911467

It will probably end curing cancers

It will probably end curing cancers
Kenneth Kovan, BioVaxys President & Chief Operating Officer stated: “This is an absolutely transformational transaction for Biovaxys that is synergistic with our pre-existing personalized immunotherapeutic vaccines based on our HapTenix© 'neoantigen' tumor cell construct platform, and BVX-0918, our ovarian cancer vaccine candidate. The DPX™ platform and addition of maveropepimut-S to our pre-existing clinical pipeline immediately positions BioVaxys as a major player in ovarian cancer, and expands our pipeline to include advanced Relapsed-Refractory Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), bladder and breast cancer.” Kovan added, “We see tremendous commercial potential with the DPX™ platform, which was a major driver of the transaction. The range of antigens that can be packaged and the cargo capacity of DPX™ present the opportunity for BioVaxys to monetize multiple development partnerships such as in the multi-valent and mRNA vaccine fields, expand our own immunotherapeutric pipeline, and establish what we believe will be an almost perpetual string of new BioVaxys IP derived from novel DPX™ formulations. We envision DPX™ enabling new immunotherapeutics not just from BioVaxys, but from a number of other companies via   business development partnerships” 
James Passin, Biovaxys CEO, stated: “We are honored to continue to advance the outstanding scientific work completed by the former IMV Inc. The overwhelming support that we have received from our investors for this transaction reinforces our conviction that the antigen-packaging and presenting technology that we have acquired will position BioVaxys as a potential world leader in cancer immunotherapy with further growth potential in other significant verticals including allergy desensitization and mRNA.”
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