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Infosys ADR Representing One INFY

Infosys Limited is an India-based company, which provides digital services and consulting. The Company enables clients in more than 56 countries to navigate their digital transformation powered by cloud and artificial intelligence (AI). The Company's segments include Financial Services; Retail; Communication; Energy, Utilities, Resources and Services; Manufacturing; Hi-Tech; Life Sciences, and All other segments. The Company's solutions have been primarily classified as digital and core. Its digital solutions include experience, insight, innovate, accelerate, and assure. Its experience solutions include Infosys Aster, Digital Marketing, Digital Commerce and Infosys Metaverse Foundry. Its insight solutions include Infosys Topaz, Infosys Generative AI Labs, Data Analytics, Infosys Sustainability Services and Applied AI. Its core solutions include application management services, proprietary application development services, traditional enterprise application implementation and others.

NYSE:INFY - Post by User

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  • coolfooldumbguyX
Post by coolfooldumbguyon Dec 17, 2019 11:28am
Post# 30463731

still watching & waiting to

still watching & waiting tosee if this stock is worth getting into,so glta.
Bullboard Posts