GREY:ISOLF - Post by User
Comment by HiMyNameIson Apr 16, 2021 8:16am

Post# 33009525
RE:I just can't believe,
RE:I just can't believe,Lol your so full of garbage . After 2019 ISOL had changed it's business and has moved on from Troy and the boys . Your living in the past . IT's 2021 now , ISOL may never trade again as Isodiol International again . your right . A merger or take over is likely coming very soon. Yesimthedumd1 your a joke , some ppl actually know how to do Due Dilegents and know whats happening . You have no FK clue and if you do you still play or riding on Ponzifinders sh!it stain that ended 2019 . JACK OFF ! BAHAHAHAHAHA FKING CLOWN !