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Isodiol International Inc ISOLF

Isodiol International Inc is a manufacturer and developer of phytoceutical consumer products using pharmaceutical and nutraceutical grade phytochemical compounds. It generates revenue from the sale of nutritional health products derived from hemp. Geographically, it derives a majority of revenue from the United States and also has a presence in Canada. Its product categories include Tinctures; Capsules; Topicals; Vape; Oral Spray; Skincare; and others.

GREY:ISOLF - Post by User

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  • HeartstockX
Post by Heartstockon May 07, 2021 12:47pm
Post# 33152956

Dave is projecting

Dave is projecting

The biggest bagholder on Stockhouse, Dave the Rager, calls other people bagholders all day because he can't handle his own reality.  

daveknowsbest wrote:I stated earlier that I was going to pick up an extra 300k of MMJ at $.45 cents just to keep the shorters on their toes, but as deperate as the bashers are here today, it's obvious that they can't cover at $.49, so I'm upping my buy to 500k on Monday as well just to make it even harder for these poor fools. It's great seeing these losers sweat, I love it!. Great time to buy guys, watch this stock skyrocket this week. Good luck to all those invested in Matica


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