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Isodiol International Inc ISOLF

Isodiol International Inc is a manufacturer and developer of phytoceutical consumer products using pharmaceutical and nutraceutical grade phytochemical compounds. It generates revenue from the sale of nutritional health products derived from hemp. Geographically, it derives a majority of revenue from the United States and also has a presence in Canada. Its product categories include Tinctures; Capsules; Topicals; Vape; Oral Spray; Skincare; and others.

GREY:ISOLF - Post by User

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  • CryptoAlexX
Comment by CryptoAlexon Jun 09, 2021 1:57am
Post# 33353415

RE:RE:Good job team!

RE:RE:Good job team!It's a shell company dude. It was fabricated by a group of fraudsters who make a shitload of money off people new to investing. Hope you didn't invest too much money into these criminals. All you can do now is accept the loss and learn to do more research into companies before putting money into them. The goverment of Canada doesn't give a sh*t about you. There's dozens, if not hundreds of these companies listed on the TSX. They only halted this one specifcally because the people behind it already dumped it and moved on to another fake company. The only people on here bragging about how much money they made or how it's a cheap buy are getting paid by them by to shill their companies online.
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