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Isodiol International Inc ISOLF

Isodiol International Inc is a manufacturer and developer of phytoceutical consumer products using pharmaceutical and nutraceutical grade phytochemical compounds. It generates revenue from the sale of nutritional health products derived from hemp. Geographically, it derives a majority of revenue from the United States and also has a presence in Canada. Its product categories include Tinctures; Capsules; Topicals; Vape; Oral Spray; Skincare; and others.

GREY:ISOLF - Post by User

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  • HiMyNameIsX
Post by HiMyNameIson Nov 18, 2021 11:04am
Post# 34140804

Lol Some real intelligent dumbies still here Who Sold lol

Lol Some real intelligent dumbies still here Who Sold lol

Isodiol International DD
(Yes, they are alive and growing!)



CBD Endobalanz is powered by Isodiol  and they are looking for distributors in mexico: Click the link to see proof (navigate in there. you can find a lot of stuff)


Proof that Isodiol and Cbd endobalanz is connected


Endobalanz website coming soon:


Endobalanz brand sponsor a MJ event in mexico (1-2-3 Oct 2021): Click to see details


Endobalanz Youtube:



Isodiol website:



As seen on this site, Isodiol CBD extracts possibly come from Biotasciences (manufacturer)


CBD endobalanz online ecomm stores are multiplying… (there is more products)







3 best Isodiol pharmaceutical grade products


Isodiol have the ANVISA authorization to sell both of the 3 products in latin america. You can see it here:






  • Brazil Government buy/import Purodiol on a recurring basis:


Learn more about Ana's story:

Ana Paula Brando, 41, resident of Cambori, is seeking legal authorization to produce cannabidiol at home, a medicine made from oil extracted from the marijuana plant. Ana has a rare tumor near the spinal cord that causes chronic and extremely severe pain that makes it impossible for her to stand or sit.

The first habeas corpus request for the release of the production of cannabidiol oil was denied at the first instance in Itaja, now Ana filed an appeal that will be judged in the second instance by the TRF4 in Porto Alegre.

After 7 years of treatments, doctors discovered that cannabidiol oil is able to relieve Ana's most intense pain.

In addition to the oil, Ana needs another medicine based on the marijuana plant, which is imported and costs around R$ 18 thousand a month. In August 2020, Ana and her husband managed to get clearance from Anvisa to export it from England. Ana needs to take seven milliliters twice a day. According to her, a bottle of medicine lasts about four days. In the month, there are seven bottles of medication to be able to relieve pain.

Since then, Ana and her husband Eduardo Jack have been campaigning to raise the high value of the medicines.






Raising money to buy isodiolex:





Store selling the product:



FarmaUSA is connected to Isodiol and they export their product (maybe more)

FarmaUSA website: click here


Vitaleep site where you can import Purodiol: click here to see 


Vitaleep site where you can import Isodiolex: Click here to see


Youtube promo video about FarmaUSA and Isodiol product. You can see Purodiol, Isoderm and Isodiolex + Marcos Agramont around :1m08 to 1m22


In the Youtube video, they confirm that Isoderm is the ONLY presenter of ISODERM. They also confirm that access to Isodiol products will be expanded in the coming month.


Site with CBD products ranking in Mexico with a LOT of info!

Isodiol products are ranked 3-5-7: You can see that isodiolex come from suisse which is interesting...




Purodiol and Isodiolex help with depression and anxiety


Very interesting article with great info about FarmaUSA/isodiol products

FarmaUSA is a pharmaceutical company founded in 2005 in the USA and has been operating in Brazil since 2013, becoming the first in Medicinal Cannabis, with the purpose of providing, in a humanized way, access to exclusive treatments for thousands of patients, with innovative and such as Purodiol, Isodiolex, Nabix and Day/Night. FarmaUSA promotes, with an ethical approach, relevant information to thousands of physicians throughout Brazil and has a strong commitment to all familie

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