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Isodiol International Inc ISOLF

Isodiol International Inc is a manufacturer and developer of phytoceutical consumer products using pharmaceutical and nutraceutical grade phytochemical compounds. It generates revenue from the sale of nutritional health products derived from hemp. Geographically, it derives a majority of revenue from the United States and also has a presence in Canada. Its product categories include Tinctures; Capsules; Topicals; Vape; Oral Spray; Skincare; and others.

GREY:ISOLF - Post by User

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  • FormerTrader123X
Post by FormerTrader123on Dec 06, 2021 1:10pm
Post# 34202747

Officially Delisted!!!!

Officially Delisted!!!!News just released an hour ago.It's about time.Sorry to those who held out hope but this scam was doomed years ago.I guess Dave really did know best!! 
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