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Adamas One Corp JEWL

Adamas One Corp. is a high-tech diamond company. The Company uses its technology to produce single crystal laboratory-grown diamonds (LGD) and diamond materials through a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process, which it refers to as its Diamond Technology. The Company's lab-grown diamonds have the exact physical, chemical, and optical properties of the mined diamonds. Its lab-grown diamonds are composed of a pure carbon lattice, like mined diamonds, and are not considered synthetic or simulant diamonds like cubic zirconia and moissanite. It uses its Diamond Technology to produce finished diamond gemstones that the Company sells wholesale and intends to sell at retail for jewelry and rough unfinished diamond materials that it intends to sell at wholesale and retail for industrial use. It is engaged in the development of a commercial production model for the manufacture and sale of diamonds and diamond materials, which are suitable for industrial, technology, and consumer applications.

PINL:JEWL - Post by User

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  • MikeTesterX
Post by MikeTesteron Aug 02, 2024 11:03am
Post# 36160840

Adamas One Corp (JEWL): Navigating the Complexities of the L

Adamas One Corp (JEWL): Navigating the Complexities of the L
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