Electric cars will hit price parity with petrol by 2023 and be the only cars produced by 2026, while many city petrol stations will be obsolete within a decade, says a Perth 'futurist'. Future Smart had been modelling since 2012 and its models had been “robust” since 2014, he said It also “post-casted”, evaluating previous performance.
In 2015, Future Smart Strategies projected 1.85 million EVs would be sold globally in 2018; it turned out to be 2.02 million.
Professor Wills said his models, while more aggressive than those of traditional forecasters such as Bloomberg and Deloitte, were less so than his nearest neighbour in approach, Stanford University’s Tony Seba, who had estimated EVs would be the only vehicles produced by 2025.
“Electrification as I see it will be virtually complete by 2026, the only cars built in my opinion will be electric, with the exception of some specialist bespoke vehicles.”
Currently the cheapest EV in Australia was the Nissan Leaf, costing $50-70,000, and while there was no doubt that people would wait until EVs were affordable to buy one, he said by 2022-3 they would be in the $20,000 range.