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Lion Rock Resources Inc KBGCF

Primary Symbol: V.ROAR

Lion Rock Resources Inc. is a brownfields exploration company. The Company is focused on the Maybrun Copper-Gold Project in northwestern Ontario, approximately 80 kilometers (km) from New Gold’s Rainy River Gold Mine and 15 km from First Mining Gold’s Cameron Lake Project. It also holds properties prospective for lithium in Ontario and Quebec. The Maybrun Project hosts three shallow depth zones along a 1.4 km mineralized trend (North Zone, Main Zone, and Footwall Zone). Maybrun Property is encompassed by 20 patented mining claims. It has an option agreement to acquire a 100% interest in the Revell Property located in Ontario, Canada. The Revell Property, located about 25 km east of Ignace, Ontario, consists of 112 claims covering 2,350 hectares (ha). It also has an option agreement to acquire the Fleuron Property, located about 35 km south of Val d'Or, Quebec, consisting of 205 claims spanning 11,380 ha. It has an option agreement to acquire the Volney Project in the Black Hills.

TSXV:ROAR - Post by User

Post by RBLCommon Oct 09, 2024 9:43am
Post# 36259172

NEWS: Lion Rock Acquires High-Grade Gold-Lithium Volney....

NEWS: Lion Rock Acquires High-Grade Gold-Lithium Volney....

Lion Rock Acquires High-Grade Gold-Lithium Volney Project in South Dakota READ MORE

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