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Kansas City Life Insurance Co KCLI

Kansas City Life Insurance Company is a stock life insurance company that with its subsidiaries, is licensed to sell insurance products in about 49 states and the District of Columbia. The Company offers a diversified portfolio of individual insurance, annuity, and group life and health products through its life insurance companies. The Company’s segments include Individual Insurance, Group Insurance, and Old American. The Individual Insurance segment consists of individual insurance products for Kansas City Life Insurance Company (Kansas City Life), Grange Life Insurance Company (Grange Life), and the assumed reinsurance transactions. The Group Insurance segment consists of sales of group life, dental, vision, disability, accident, and critical illness products. The Old American segment consists of individual insurance products designed largely as final expense products. Its wholly owned subsidiaries include Old American Insurance Company (Old American) and Grange Life.

OTCQX:KCLI - Post by User

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  • 2511MacDonaldX
Post by 2511MacDonaldon Aug 28, 2006 3:01pm
Post# 11283406

Value Priced

Value PricedAt $43.13 per share, this company trades at a discount to the book value of $55 and pays a dividend. Attached is a link to the ABC Funds website. This is a good stock to buy and hold for your childrens education fund.
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