The search for strategic alternatives is always a red red flag as all of you know
LGC has given guidance for 2014
Cash Costs per ounce of US$825 to US$900 ( from US$690 to US$740)
All In Sustaining Costs per ounce at Aurizona of US$915 to US$1,010 ( from US$800 to US$900)
The all in sustaining cost
1 looks awfully suspicious in that it is not much higher than the cash cost
2 they admit to tom foolery by describing it as "at Aurizona" without providing any information about corp expenses, interest expenses and a whole host of intentionally omitted costs
The all in total costs for the company may well be $1,300 to $1,400. I do not know and they do know but they are not revealing it. It is a secret for their eyes only.
Cash cost is meaningless in itself
AISC is meaningless in itself
Investors need to know the break even point for the company so that we can then predict profit at various gold prices. Typically $50 to $60 would be the net net profit for each $100 rise in the gold price. It would mainly depend on the royalty rate if it is a percentage basis and on the country corporate tax.
No wonder investors are retreating from investing in gold mining companies
Shame on them (the minere I mean, not the investors)