Post by
alister33 on Mar 05, 2015 9:51am
Dreamers & Schemers always praying for a lower SP
That is not realistic, do not get me wrong I would love to buy lower but just does not make cents at all, buy as low as you can but stop dreaming here. gl
Comment by
alister33 on Mar 05, 2015 11:20pm
Yun you are a dreamer keep praying, you are a bad guesser but a Yun you arec a terrible investor. You said you were out and moving on, I do not think you buy ever, you just post negative statements but many think the opposite and we all agree the needle points north we all want to buy cheaper though ! gl
Comment by
Yun321 on Mar 06, 2015 11:08am
Ok, Ali, you win. LOY will go up from here. lol