Post by
bigbear123 on Nov 21, 2022 7:21am
Authorities prefer easy cases of "Low Hanging Fruit"
Are the government and regulatory agencies doing their job, or are they partners with those crooks.? How they don't put any red flags on Leviathan fraud, one of the worst financial scams that investors have been blindsided. Again the press release disseminated by Lucas Leone and Doane and his gang after the fake Shareholder meeting is full of lies. If you look at the Leviathan Web site that now appears as Leviathan has changed all officers, you can see all the lies and misrepresentations. Do you know who the new officers of 1CM are? They are a bunch of crooks with many frauds in the States and Canada. Authorities prefer easy cases of "Low Hanging Fruit" that they like to go after.