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Mainz Biomed NV MYNZ

Mainz Biomed N.V. is a Germany based molecular genetics cancer diagnostic company. The Company operates under one segment, namely genetic diagnostic testing services. Its portfolio consists of various products and product candidates, such as ColoAlert, a colorectal cancer (CRC) screening stool-based DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) test; PancAlert, a stool-based screening test for the detection of pancreatic cancer; GenoStrip, a platform technology to detect pathogens in environments on a molecular genetic basis. The Company competes with Exact Sciences, Epigenomics AG, Novigenix SA, GRAIL, Inc. and Agena Biosciences Inc.

NDAQ:MYNZ - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson May 28, 2024 12:30pm
Post# 36060552

Mainz Biomed to Present New Pooled Colorectal Cancer Screeni

Mainz Biomed to Present New Pooled Colorectal Cancer Screeni
JUST IN: $MYNZ Mainz Biomed to Present New Pooled Colorectal Cancer Screening Data, its Largest Study to Date, at ASCO 2024 Annual Meeting | BenzingaKey Findings: 92.3% Sensitivity for Colorectal Cancer, 82.3% for Advanced Precancerous LesionsPoster presentation showing new data on 690 subject...MYNZ - Mainz Biomed to Present New Pooled Colorectal Cancer Screening Data, its Largest Study to Date, at ASCO 2024 Annual Meeting | Benzinga

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