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Myomo Inc MYO

Myomo, Inc. is a wearable medical robotics company that offers improved arm and hand function for those suffering from neurological disorders and upper-limb paralysis. It develops and markets the MyoPro product line. MyoPro is a powered upper-limb orthosis designed to support the arm and restore function to the weakened or paralyzed arms of certain patients suffering from CVA stroke, brachial plexus injury, traumatic brain or spinal cord injury, ALS or other neuromuscular disease or injury. MyoPro senses a patient’s own electromyography (EMG) signals through non-invasive sensors on the arm, and can restore an individual’s ability to perform activities of daily living, including feeding themselves, carrying objects and doing household tasks. It provides devices directly to patients and bill their insurance companies directly. It also sells its products through various other sales channels, including through orthotics and prosthetics providers, the veteran’s administration, and others.

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson May 06, 2024 11:30pm
Post# 36026214

Myomo Announces First Lump Sum Reimbursements for MyoPros De

Myomo Announces First Lump Sum Reimbursements for MyoPros De
Just In: $MYO Myomo Announces First Lump Sum Reimbursements for MyoPros Delivered to Medicare Part B Beneficiaries Under New CMS FeesClaims Remitted for Payment by All Four Billing Regions Orthotics and Prosthetics Providers Beginning to Receive Reimbursement at Published Rates Myomo, Inc. (NYSE American: MYO) (“Myomo” or the “Company”), a wearable medical robotics company that...MYO - Myomo Announces First Lump Sum Reimbursements for MyoPros Delivered to Medicare Part B Beneficiaries Under New CMS Fees

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