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SolarBank Ord Shs N.SUNN

Primary Symbol: SUUN

SolarBank Corporation is an independent renewable and clean energy project developer and owner focusing on distributed and community solar projects in Canada and the United States. The Company is engaged in the development, construction, and operation of solar photovoltaic (PV) power generation projects, battery energy storage systems, and electric vehicle (EV)-charging projects in Canada and the United States. The Company develops solar projects that sell electricity to utilities, commercial, industrial, municipal, and residential off-takers. The Company maximizes returns via a diverse portfolio of projects across multiple solar markets, including projects with utilities, host off-takers, community solar, and virtual net metering projects. The Company has a development pipeline of over one gigawatt and has developed renewable and clean energy projects with a combined capacity of over 70 megawatts built. The Company is also engaged in other clean and renewable technologies.

NDAQ:SUUN - Post by User

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  • Betteryear2X
Post by Betteryear2on Nov 23, 2023 8:21am
Post# 35749738

SolarBank Provides Update

SolarBank Provides Update
  • $107 Million(1) in Awarded EPC Contracts
  • Honeywell as a major client with multiple projects completed or underway
  • Hydro-Qubec Subsidiary (EVLO) Partners with SolarBank to supply Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) for Ontario IESO E-LT1 projects that SolarBank is constructing
  • Commenced operation as an Independent Power Producer
  • Enhanced its development pipeline of over one Gigawatt

TORONTONov. 23, 2023 /CNW/ - SolarBank Corporation (CSE: SUNN) (OTC: SUUNF) (FSE: GY2) ("SolarBank" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on its significant progress since the completion of its initial public offering on March 1, 2023.

SolarBank Provides Update on Significant Progress Since IPO (

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