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New England Realty Associates LP NEN

New England Realty Associates Limited Partnership (the Partnership) is engaged in the business of acquiring, developing, holding for investment, operating and selling real estate. The Partnership, directly or through about 31 subsidiary limited partnerships or limited liability companies, owns and operates various residential apartments, condominium units and commercial properties located in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. The Partnership and its Subsidiary Partnerships own approximately 2,943 residential apartment units in 27 residential and mixed-use complexes (the Apartment Complexes). The Partnership also owns approximately 19 condominium units in a residential condominium complex, all of which are leased to residential tenants (Condominium Units). The Partnership owns approximately 40-50% interest in seven residential and mixed-use complexes, the Investment Properties, with a total of approximately 688 residential units, one commercial unit, and a 50-car parking lot.

NYSEAM:NEN - Post by User

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  • MikeTesterX
Post by MikeTesteron Aug 03, 2024 1:01pm
Post# 36163209

New England Realty Associates Limited Partnership (NYSEAMER:

New England Realty Associates Limited Partnership (NYSEAMER:
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