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Norsk Hydro ASA Ord Shs NHYDY

Norsk Hydro ASA is a Norway-based aluminium and energy company. The Company is present throughout the aluminium value chain, from energy to bauxite mining and alumina refining, primary aluminium, aluminium extrusions and aluminium recycling. Its reportable segments are the business areas: Hydro Bauxite & Alumina, activities includes bauxite mining activities, production of alumina and related commercial activities, primarily the sale of alumina; Hydro Aluminium Metal includes primary aluminium production and casting activities; Hydro Metal Markets includes all sales activities relating to products from our primary metal plants and operational responsibility for stand-alone recyclers as well as physical and financial metal trading activities; Hydro Extrusions delivers products within extrusion profiles, building systems and precision tubing; Hydro Energy includes operating and commercial responsibility for Hydro’s power stations in Norway, a trading and wholesale business in Brazil.

OTCQX:NHYDY - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Mar 06, 2024 1:15am
Post# 35917284

Norsk Hydro: Trond Olaf Christophersen appointed acting CFO

Norsk Hydro: Trond Olaf Christophersen appointed acting CFO
NEWS: $NHYDY Norsk Hydro: Trond Olaf Christophersen appointed acting CFO in HydroExecutive Vice President Trond Olaf Christophersen has from March 6, 2024, been appointed acting CFO in Hydro. He replaces CFO Pål Kildemo, who will be leaving Hydro latest August 31 for a competitor. Trond Olaf Christophersen is currently Executive Vice President for Corporate Develop...NHYDY - Norsk Hydro: Trond Olaf Christophersen appointed acting CFO in Hydro

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