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Nutriband Equity Warrant Exp 30th Sep 2026 NTRBW

Nutriband Inc. is engaged in the development of a portfolio of transdermal pharmaceutical products. Its development pipeline consists of transdermal products that are based on proprietary AVERSA abuse-deterrent transdermal technology. Its lead product under development is AVERSA Fentanyl, an abuse deterrent fentanyl transdermal system that combines an approved generic fentanyl patch with its AVERSA abuse deterrent transdermal technology to reduce the abuse and misuse of fentanyl patches. Its development pipeline also includes AVERSA Buprenorphine and AVERSA Methylphenidate. It is developing a portfolio of transdermal pharmaceutical products to deliver already approved drugs or biologics that are typically delivered by injection but with the potential to improve compliance and therapeutic outcomes through transdermal delivery. AVERSA technology can be incorporated into any transdermal patch to prevent the abuse, misuse, diversion, and accidental exposure of drugs with abuse potential.

NDAQ:NTRBW - Post by User

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  • MikeTesterX
Post by MikeTesteron Aug 03, 2024 9:23am
Post# 36162861

NTRBW: Nutriband’s Abuse-Deterrent Transdermal Technol

NTRBW: Nutriband’s Abuse-Deterrent Transdermal Technol
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