Most miners are stock prices are down big . That means it is time to buy . Remember the old rule , buy low , sell high 

 I would suggest this may be the time to buy  , IF:
  The stock you are buying is a growing concern , real assets in production:

 If it is way undervalued with money in the bank ;

If it is down from a dollar to a dime .

 Lets answer the last question first , there is probably a reason your dollar became a dime . Bad management is probably the reason . AUN is a great example . Hope and dreams , . The stock is at .02 and about to go to ZERO ;

  Toward the middle , GSVR  , only down 50% or so YTD . If you are a gambler , why not put down a small bet ? :

 If you really want to invest in mining stocks , why not pick the best ;

The best are producers with deep pockets . My Fav. is $IVN , but RIO , BHP  and VALE . The big boys also pay dividends  . Noice .

You must ask yourself ; Am I happy with solid returns or do I want to swing for the fences . ?

 I will take singles and doubles rather than striking out . JMHO