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Nuvve Holding Corp NVVE

Nuvve Holding Corp. is a green energy technology company. The Company provides commercial vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology platform that enables electric vehicle (EV) batteries to store and resell unused energy back to the local electric grid and provide other grid services. The Company’s V2G technology enables to link multiple EV batteries into a virtual power plant to provide bi-directional services to the electrical grid. The Company offers its customers networked charging stations, infrastructure, software, professional services, support, monitoring and parts and labor warranties required to run electric vehicle fleets. Its customers and partners include owner/operators of light duty fleets, heavy duty fleets, automotive manufacturers, charge point operators, and strategic partners. The Company also operates a small number of charging stations serving as demonstration projects funded by government grants. Its platform dynamically manages power to and from EVs and the grid at scale.

NDAQ:NVVE - Post by User

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  • NibinatorX
Post by Nibinatoron Jan 30, 2024 10:06am
Post# 35852399


BUY BUY BUY BUY BUYBought 3.43 selling 5.25
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