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The WKP deposit is a company maker as you have stated, and one that we are very excited about! Based on promising developments in the NZ government, we believe this project could be permitted by the end of 2025 and we can begin construction in early 2026. Our proposed mine will be virtually invisible to the public in NZ and in such, will require a lot of underground development to reach the high-grade WKP deposit 10km away. Our single largest constraint to timeline is driving the tunnel to the deposit because we can only physically advance the tunnel at a couple of metres per day (we all wish it was physically possible to do this faster, too).
The good news is, we have planned this mine with the belief that the deposit will ultimately be much, much larger. Our exploration suggests the main EG vein is still wide open in all directions and there are other nearby, highly-prospective veins that we haven’t even had the opportunity to drill yet. But rest assured – when it comes to best uses of capital, we believe this is not only one of the best uses of cash in our business, but in the industry as a whole. So, we will continue to drill, push for permits to be able to drill even more, and take every opportunity along that presents to expediate the timeline.
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