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Onfolio Holdings Inc ONFO

Alternate Symbol(s):  ONFOP

Onfolio Holdings Inc. acquires and manages a diversified portfolio of online businesses. The Company is engaged in Website management, advertising and content placement on its online businesses, and product sales on certain sites. The Company owns multiple online businesses and manages online businesses on behalf of certain unconsolidated entities in which it holds equity interests. It operates through business models, such as direct-to-consumer (D2C) e-commerce, business-to-business (B2B) SEO and marketing services, and B2B digital products. It owns and/or manages over 20 online businesses, including,,,,, and others. is an online service provider that works with B2B brands to grow their organic and referral traffic. It also provides dentists with digital marketing services.

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  • IseneschalX
Post by Iseneschalon Jun 08, 2023 10:13am
Post# 35486332

ONFO.... Here's another Retail burner

ONFO.... Here's another Retail burnerNr with the Pres pulling on the "Sh holders Heart-string"

Done in the 1st 5 mins
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