Post by
juanPeru on Aug 21, 2018 10:26am
Conversations with Volkswagen
Just to share some thoughts about a topic we may have overlooked. During the press coference in July Dr. Stefan mentioned they had been in conversations with Volkswagen in Germany, who was very interested in having lithium. This is maybe the explanation of why there haven't been a private placement yet and the reason behind the background (investment banking) of the CEO appointed.
As PLU needs to assure funds for the $800 million investment and Volkswagen is interested in securing its supply of lithium for the next years, an agreement in which Volkswagen finance the investment for the project and in return buys lithium carbonate at a discount of, let say, $1,500 per tone if Li carbonate could be a win-win strategy for both.
This could be the next game changing news for PLU, who in addition to considerably de-risking the project would have minimum further dilution and as a result the (new) resulting NPV USD 2-3 billion would remain in our pockets.
What do you think about this? Is it a real possibility?
Comment by
KingKyle on Aug 30, 2018 4:11pm
JP, do you have the link to July press conference?
Comment by
juanPeru on Aug 30, 2018 5:25pm
Of course, Kyle. Here you are: posted the transcript in Spanish back in July: Cheers