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Park National Corp PRK

Park National Corporation is a financial holding company. The Company's banking operations are conducted through its subsidiary, Park National Bank, a national banking association. The Company's principal business consists of owning and supervising its subsidiaries. Park National Bank engages in the commercial banking and trust business, generally in small and medium population areas in Ohio, North Carolina and South Carolina communities, in addition to operations within the metropolitan areas of Columbus and Cincinnati, Ohio; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Louisville, Kentucky. Park National Bank operates financial service offices in Ohio, Kentucky, North Carolina and South Carolina. Park National Bank delivers financial products and services through its financial service offices and through a network of automated teller machines, as well as telephone and Internet-based banking through both personal computers and mobile devices, including ParkDirect, a mobile bank experience.

NYSEAM:PRK - Post by User

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  • MikeTesterX
Post by MikeTesteron Aug 02, 2024 10:31am
Post# 36160697

Park National Corporation (PRK): A Comprehensive Analysis of

Park National Corporation (PRK): A Comprehensive Analysis of
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