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Prairie Operating Co PROP

Prairie Operating Co. is an independent energy company. The Company is engaged in the development and acquisition of oil and natural gas resources in the United States. The Company’s assets and operations are concentrated in the oil and liquids-rich regions of the Denver-Julesburg (DJ) Basin, with a primary focus on the Niobrara and Codell formations.

NDAQ:PROP - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Jun 27, 2024 11:30am
Post# 36108962

(PROP) Proactive Strategies

(PROP) Proactive Strategies
JUST IN: $PROP (PROP) Proactive Strategies2024-06-27 02:20:00 ET Stock Traders Daily has produced this trading report using a proprietary method.  This methodology seeks to optimize the entry and exit levels to maximize results and limit risk, and it is also applied to Index options, ETFs, and futures for our subscribers. This...PROP - (PROP) Proactive Strategies

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