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Polestar Automotive Holding Uk Plc PSNY

POLESTAR AUTOMOTIVE HOLDING UK PLC (Polestar) is a Swedish-based electric vehicle manufacturer. Company's portfolio includes Polestar 1, Polestar 2, Polestar 3, Polestar 4 and Polestar 5. Polestar products are currently available on markets across Europe, North America, China and Asia Pacific. Polestar cars are currently manufactured in two facilities in China. Polestar produces electric cars to reduce gas emmisions and develop new technologies to further minimize the carbon footprint.

NDAQ:PSNY - Post by User

Post by ecolo101on Jun 23, 2024 3:18pm
Post# 36102407

The next Fisker

The next Fisker What else to add."...
now Fisker at 0.01$ 
the next one will be PSNY.

i am very concerned by this mgmnt.......

Shareholders mean nothing for them, of course it is not their money none of them endorse anything at the bank.  And on top I found out that because they are not registered in the US for dividend treatment I have to pay $$ fees to the bank which call this ADR....
on a loosing company this increase the lost .
so as European they don't care about Nasdaq set of rules.....
so another reason to stay away fro this stock.
how can they attract investors with this way of communicating that late their annual last year financials?

They will issue their financial later this week....maybe a big plunge just after that.....

stay away for now....
i own this and 70% in the hole
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