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Polestar Automotive Holding Uk Plc PSNY

POLESTAR AUTOMOTIVE HOLDING UK PLC (Polestar) is a Swedish-based electric vehicle manufacturer. Company's portfolio includes Polestar 1, Polestar 2, Polestar 3, Polestar 4 and Polestar 5. Polestar products are currently available on markets across Europe, North America, China and Asia Pacific. Polestar cars are currently manufactured in two facilities in China. Polestar produces electric cars to reduce gas emmisions and develop new technologies to further minimize the carbon footprint.

NDAQ:PSNY - Post by User

Post by ecolo101on Aug 19, 2024 11:36am
Post# 36186023

Polestar 5 is coming

Polestar 5 is coming
Polestar 5
Prvu pour 2025, le dvoilement de la Polestar 5 permettra la marque sudoise de vhicules lectriques d’largir son empreinte en ciblant ni plus ni moins que la future Porsche Panamera lectrique. Cette nouvelle berline sportive promet 884 ch et une architecture de 800 V pour diminuer les temps de recharge sur borne rapide et alimenter rapidement les deux moteurs lectriques. Son chssis fait d’aluminium coll promet d’abaisser son poids tout en assurant la rigidit ncessaire.

this will be a good product in a good niche

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