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Quicklogic Corp QUIK

QuickLogic Corporation is a semiconductor company that develops embedded FPGA (eFPGA) intellectual property (IP), discrete FPGAs, and FPGA system-on-chips (SoCs) for a variety of industrial, aerospace and defense, edge and endpoint artificial intelligence (AI), consumer, and computing applications. Its products include eFPGA IP Licensing business, associated professional services, consisting of development and integration of eFPGA technology into custom semiconductor solutions, its silicon products consisting of EOS, QuickAI, ArcticLink III, PolarPro3, PolarPro II, PolarPro, and Eclipse II products. Its new products category includes its AI/ML Software Platform from its subsidiary company, SensiML, which includes Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) subscriptions for development, per unit license fees when deployed in production, and proof-of-concept services. Its mature products include primarily FPGA families named PASIC3 and QuickRAM, as well as programming hardware and design software.

NDAQ:QUIK - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Feb 12, 2024 5:45am
Post# 35874997

(QUIK) Investment Analysis

(QUIK) Investment Analysis
News; $QUIK (QUIK) Investment Analysis2024-02-12 05:18:00 ET Stock Traders Daily has produced this trading report using a proprietary method.  This methodology seeks to optimize the entry and exit levels to maximize results and limit risk, and it is also applied to Index options, ETFs, and futures for our subscribers. This...QUIK - (QUIK) Investment Analysis

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