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Rekor Systems Inc REKR

Rekor Systems, Inc. is engaged in developing and implementing roadway intelligence systems using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. The Company delivers mission-critical traffic and engineering services. It collects, connects and organizes mobility data, and makes it accessible and useful to its customers for real-time insights. Its comprehensive portfolio of products and services offers multiple Internet of things devices for roadside data collection, an array of curated and integrated data sets from a network of transportation ecosystem data providers, as well as platforms, applications, and data streams that have been tailored for use. Its solutions support diverse use cases, data-driven traffic operations and traffic management, real-time incident detection and response, and high-definition video traffic surveillance. Its subsidiaries include Rekor Recognition Systems, Inc., Waycare Technologies, Ltd., Southern Traffic Services, Inc. and All Traffic Data Systems.

NDAQ:REKR - Post by User

Post by HDavison Oct 31, 2021 5:25pm
Post# 34071230

REKR - Friday Rundown, Monday Expectations

REKR - Friday Rundown, Monday Expectations
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