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Automotive Finco Corp RMIAF

Primary Symbol: V.AFCC.H

Automotive Finco Corp. is a specialty finance company focused on the auto retail sector. Through its investment in Automotive Finance Limited Partnership, the Company provides long-term, debt-based acquisition financing to auto dealerships across the globe, with an initial focus on Canada. In addition to its interest in Automotive Finance Limited Partnership, the Company may also pursue other direct investments and financing opportunities across the auto retail sector.

TSXV:AFCC.H - Post by User

Post by JayBankson Feb 14, 2023 6:35pm
Post# 35286306

Finally sold out

Finally sold outTook a while, decided to bite the bullet and just take the hit and run from this name. I'm fairly lucky to walk away with only about 10% loss in a little over a year...

I thought it was good go to be true when I first got in, but had to touch it and look around because that's how I am, turns out there is nothing interesting under these rocks, just a slow degration of value and your time lol

Too bad the concept I first discovered the name on sounded interesting especially with the turnover in autos happening/coming, seems like it would be a pretty solid venture if they did things right/for real.
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