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Roper Technologies Inc ROP

Roper Technologies, Inc. is a diversified technology company. The Company operates businesses that design and develop vertical software and technology-enabled products for a variety of defensible niche markets. It operates through three segments: Application Software, Network Software and Technology Enabled Products. The Application Software segment includes Aderant, CBORD, Clinisys, Data Innovations, Deltek, Frontline, IntelliTrans, PowerPlan, Strata and Vertafore. The Network Software segment includes ConstructConnect, DAT, Foundry, iPipeline, iTradeNetwork, Loadlink, MHA, SHP and SoftWriters. The Technology Enabled Products segment includes CIVCO Medical Solutions, FMI, Inovonics, IPA, Neptune, Northern Digital, rf IDEAS and Verathon. Aderant is a comprehensive management software solution for law and other professional services firms. ConstructConnect is a cloud-based data, collaboration, and estimating automation software solutions to a network of pre-construction contractors.

NDAQ:ROP - Post by User

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  • MikeTesterX
Post by MikeTesteron Aug 02, 2024 12:15pm
Post# 36161121

Roper Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:ROP): A Diversified Technol

Roper Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:ROP): A Diversified Technol
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