Post by
Wangotango67 on Sep 13, 2022 3:55pm
1 - Fortune has not even built their 50km spur road to attach to the new - Tlicho road.
2 - Fortune has low grade ores - massive strip ratio
3 - Fortune has not yet secured the monies needed to see their project through
1 - has high grade of gold ore 9 mught be( 5.g average )
2 - undertermined other credits - no other minerals were assayed - just gold
3 - historical recors show other credits
4 - Rover's Cabin claims are a mere few km's from top end of Russel Lake
5 - Far easier to build a ( few km ) road than - 50km road.
6 - Rover's operatio ncould be real simple
7 - Blast, Crush, Concentrate ship out in high grade concentrate
8 - Simple diesel generators to operate for power
9 - sell concentrate ( to anyone ) or... another in Yellowknife to finish off smelting
10 - just gold - could easily concentrate to avalue of - 30 / g concentrate tonne.
11 - other gold concentrate operations have success @ 5 gram tonne concentrates.
Why run to Fortune and use their equipt ?
Is it because we have same ore characteristics ?
Reassay old historical cores and current - assay for all mineral credits that Fortune has.
Once al is known.
It's then.... one sits down to entertain conversation.
Like i pointedout with the topic of stakeholders...
A stock sitting at 2 cents is quite vulnerable.
A stakeholders dream.
Current project could see lots more intel divulged.
But of junior riuns to next project ?
Performs a PP and if stakeholder or other stakeholder acts as savior to junior...
A 2 cent offering even nicekl - would literally wipe the value from shareholders - reaping what they've waited upon - bugow deliverence.
it's nothing to drop $3 million in drilling / exploration.
$3,000,000 million dollar placement whether once or twice offering at 2 cents ?
= 150 million million share dilution
Who now - owns the junor - stripped shareholders of the bugow ?
Whether a nickel or dime PP offering.
Still takes from shareholders.
Just requires more time.
Like i said...
Deal with the bugow.
Yellowknife has some serious funding -
Junior needs to rethink their plans.
Running to Indian Lake - let - Bugow - sit ?
They have got to be kidding - Not born yesterday....
Reaasay please.