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Science Applications International Corp SAIC

Science Applications International Corporation is a technology integrator providing full life cycle services and solutions in the technical, engineering and enterprise information technology (IT) markets. The Company's portfolio of offerings across the defense, space, civilian and intelligence markets includes secure solutions in mission IT, enterprise IT, engineering services and professional services. It integrates emerging technology securely into mission critical operations that modernize and enable critical national imperatives, including IT modernization, digital engineering, artificial intelligence and ground vehicles support. Its segments include Defense and Intelligence, and Civilian. Defense and Intelligence segment provides a diverse portfolio of national security solutions to the defense and intelligence departments and agencies of the United States Government. Civilian segment provides solutions to the civilian markets, encompassing federal, state, and local governments.

NDAQ:SAIC - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Jun 04, 2024 10:45pm
Post# 36072477

Science Applications Q1 Earnings Miss, Shares Fall 12% | Ben

Science Applications Q1 Earnings Miss, Shares Fall 12% | Ben
NEWS: $SAIC Science Applications Q1 Earnings Miss, Shares Fall 12% | BenzingaScience Applications International Corporation's (NASDAQ: SAIC) shares plunged 11.8% on Monday after the company reported lower-than-expected b...SAIC - Science Applications Q1 Earnings Miss, Shares Fall 12% | Benzinga

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