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Schneider Electric Ord Shs SBGSF

Alternate Symbol(s):  SBGSY

Schneider Electric SE is a France-based company that provides energy-related solutions globally. The Company specializes in the Digital Transformation of Energy Management and Automation in Homes, Buildings, Data Centers, Infrastructures, and Industries. It has a presence in across 115 countries, Schneider Electric SE provides products in power management - medium voltage, low voltage and secure energy, and automation systems. The Company provides integrated efficiency solutions that combine energy management, automation, and software. The ecosystem built by the Company allows it to collaborate on its open platform with a community of partners, integrators, and developers to offer its customers both control and operational efficiency in real time. Its sales are distributed geographically across France, Western Europe, the United States , North America, China, Asia or Pacific and other.

PINL:SBGSF - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Apr 03, 2024 4:00am
Post# 35966833

Schneider Electric launches Materialize program for Scope 3

Schneider Electric launches Materialize program for Scope 3
JUST IN: $SBGSF Schneider Electric launches Materialize program for Scope 3 decarbonization of natural resourcesSchneider Electric , the leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, today launched Materialize , a supply chain decarbonization program designed to support companies in the metals and minerals sector reduce carbon emissions across their global supplier bas...SBGSF - Schneider Electric launches Materialize program for Scope 3 decarbonization of natural resources

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