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Scope Technologies Corp SCPCF

Primary Symbol: C.SCPE

Scope Technologies Corp. is a technology company specializing in quantum security and machine learning. Through its flagship brands, QSE Group and GEM AI, it provides solutions in data security, quantum encryption, and neural networks, empowering businesses and individuals with secure, scalable technologies that drive growth and operational efficiency. QSE Group offers quantum security solutions that protect sensitive data now and in the future. QSE employs true randomness in its encryption process, making it resistant to both classical and quantum attacks. GEM AI is an artificial intelligence (AI) platform designed to empower businesses of all sizes to create custom image recognition and machine learning models. GEM builds, tests, and deploys neural networks without requiring specialized technical expertise.

CSE:SCPE - Post by User

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  • pikeroo_007X
Post by pikeroo_007on Jan 08, 2025 12:55pm
Post# 36394519


ScammersDo your research people.  These guys created a public company to finance their pockets.  They go with the flavour of the month.  They were into AI when it was hot, then quantum when it was hotter.  Financings to fill their pockets.  Go read the financials.  Pretty much all consultant and board members have their own side companies to which scope sends them money.  One of the board membersreceives rent from scope.  Go with the real quantum stocks.  The onesthat have actually been going up in the usa.  The big boys.  Always the big boys.  Qmco, qubt come to mind.
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