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Software Effective Solutions Corp SFWJ

Software Effective Solutions Corp operates through its subsidiary MedCana inc, which is a global infrastructure and service provider to the pharmaceutical cannabis industry. The mission is to provide premium pharmaceutical-grade CBD oil with absolute integrity, sustainability, and social responsibility. The company is focused on developing globally accessible products through software, hardware, greenhouse, irrigation, and extraction technology. The company also has strategic partnerships to develop the highest quality, globally certified pharmaceutical-grade extracts.

OTCPK:SFWJ - Post by User

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  • AveragePennyX
Post by AveragePennyon Nov 16, 2022 10:47am
Post# 35103241

Software Effective Solutions’ (OTC: SFWJ) Medcana

Software Effective Solutions’ (OTC: SFWJ) Medcana

New Orleans, Louisiana, Nov. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Software Effective Solutions Corporation (OTC: SFWJ) (“The Company”, “SFWJ”) DBA Medcana announces that construction operations of its five investment companies are proceeding as planned.

Field tests, final greenhouse designs and placements have been completed. Also, Ministry of Justice and Anti-Narcotics audit was completed and passed, as expected.

In the past month, field tests of microclimates have proceeded as planned, yielding expected results. Humidity, wind, temperature variation and rainfall are being measured to ensure proper placement and design of greenhouses.

The results yielded so far have led to a final determination of placement for the first three hectares (7.1 Acres) of greenhouses has been determined. The design of the greenhouses has also been validated based on current results.

The five companies also, as expected, successfully passed its first Ministry of Justice and Anti-Narcotics Police audit on October 20th. This is particularly important because the Colombian Government has been increasing vigilance and many licenses have been revoked due to non-compliance.  This will have an impact in future production in Colombia.

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