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SI-BONE, Inc. is a medical device company dedicated to solving musculoskeletal disorders of the sacropelvic anatomy. The Company specializes in minimally invasive surgical implant systems to address sacroiliac joint dysfunction as well as address unmet clinical needs in pelvic fixation and management of pelvic fractures. The Company's products include a series of patented titanium implants and the instruments used to implant them, as well as implantable bone products. Its products include iFuse, iFuse-3D, iFuse-TORQ and iFuse Bedrock Granite. Within the United States, iFuse, iFuse-3D and iFuse-TORQ have clearances for applications across sacroiliac joint dysfunction and fusion, adult spinal deformity and degeneration, and pelvic trauma. Its first-generation iFuse, a machined triangular titanium implant, has a triangular cross section that resists twisting or rotation of the implant. The Company's second generation iFuse product, the iFuse-3D implant, is a patented titanium implant.

NDAQ:SIBN - Post by User

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  • MikeTesterX
Post by MikeTesteron Aug 03, 2024 9:02am
Post# 36162824

SI-BONE, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIBN) – Pioneering Sacropelvic S

SI-BONE, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIBN) – Pioneering Sacropelvic S
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