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Solidion Technology Inc STI

Solidion Technology, Inc. is an advanced battery technology company focused on the development and commercialization of battery materials, components, cells and selected module/pack technologies. The Company is engaged in the business of manufacturing of battery materials and components, as well as development and production of batteries for energy storage systems and electric vehicles for ground, air and sea transportation. The Company has two lines of battery products: advanced anode materials, and three classes of solid-state batteries, including silicon-rich all-solid-state lithium-ion cells (Gen 1), anodeless lithium metal cells (Gen 2) and lithium-sulfur cells (Gen 3), all featuring an advanced polymer or polymer/inorganic composite-based solid electrolyte. The Company has an intellectual property portfolio, holding over 525 patents globally, with 355 in the United States and 170 in various foreign jurisdictions. This treasure trove of patents originates from HBC/G3.

NDAQ:STI - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Oct 30, 2024 10:15am
Post# 36288587

Solidion Granted US Patent on Fast-Charging and Cooling Grap

Solidion Granted US Patent on Fast-Charging and Cooling Grap
JUST IN: $STI Solidion Granted US Patent on Fast-Charging and Cooling Graphene-Enabled Battery System2024-10-30 07:00:28 ET DENVER, Colo., Oct 30, 2024 ( )- Solidion Technology (NASDAQ: STI ) stated that it was awarded a key US patent on a graphene-enabled battery fast-charging and cooling system and its battery scientists successfully developed a cost-effective s...STI - Solidion Granted US Patent on Fast-Charging and Cooling Graphene-Enabled Battery System

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