Comment by Maggson Sep 23, 2021 5:56pm

Post# 33911843
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:10 Good Reasons to Buy Adcore (each with a link/source)
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:10 Good Reasons to Buy Adcore (each with a link/source)No worries. That was just more of my sarcasm about getting with the program.
I will never cave to the Mob!
I don't have that type of personality. I welcome all people who disagree with me. I believe debate is a healthy necessity and one of the most important pillars we have with free speech. In my country, we are at a tipping point by trying to squelch opposing views and free speech in general as you may probably know. We cannot let that happen and we won't.
I crave different points of view because it makes me think about not only opposing views but my own as well. I can't imagine life without free thinking and debate.
But if you are gonna call someone a childish name like "Bully" for disagreeing then the conversation is over. Make your case and back it up with facts.
Agree to Disagree and Change my mind.