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Adcore Inc T.ADCO

Alternate Symbol(s):  ADCOF

Adcore Inc. is an artificial intelligence (AI)-based marketing technology company. It offers a digital marketing solution that helps entrepreneurs and advertisers by managing and automating their e-commerce store advertising and monitoring and analyzing the performance of their advertising budget to ensure maximum return on investment. Its suite of software-as-a-service (SaaS) products provide digital advertisers with smart algorithm-powered automation tools and reporting and analytics to help them improve online advertising effectiveness, maximize their return on advertising investment, and scale-up their digital campaigns. It offers four SaaS solutions and one platform in the EdTech space. Its marketing cloud services include Feeditor, Semdoc, Alerter, Media Blast, Views and Effortless Marketing. SEMDOC provides advertisers with an account auditing solution, utilizing both machine learning and smart algorithms to formulate key insights and metrics on the account and campaign level.

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  • TruthInNumbersX
Comment by TruthInNumberson Sep 23, 2021 6:12pm
Post# 33911891

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:10 Good Reasons to Buy Adcore (each with a link/source)

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:10 Good Reasons to Buy Adcore (each with a link/source)
Maggs wrote: No worries. That was just more of my sarcasm about getting with the program.

I will never cave to the Mob!

I don't have that type of personality. I welcome all people who disagree with me. I believe debate is a healthy necessity and one of the most important pillars we have with free speech. In my country, we are at a tipping point by trying to squelch opposing views and free speech in general as you may probably know. We cannot let that happen and we won't.

I crave different points of view because it makes me think about not only opposing views but my own as well. I can't imagine life without free thinking and debate. 

But if you are gonna call someone a childish name like "Bully" for disagreeing then the conversation is over. Make your case and back it up with facts.
Agree to Disagree and Change my mind. 

Oh I knew it was also sarcasm. And I entirely agree regarding healthy debate and opposition points of view. Unfortunately, in this day and age of hyper sensitivity, those are not welcome anymore and seen as attacks. I think you have me confused with someone else because I have not addressed you as a bully.
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