Comment by Maggson Oct 16, 2021 4:23pm

Post# 34013865
RE:RE:RE:Insiders buying! And insiders only buy for one reason
RE:RE:RE:Insiders buying! And insiders only buy for one reasonThese are your words on March 30, 2021 when Adcore was $1.70.
I now see another HIDDEN GEM opportunity in Adcore! Adcore is undervalued right now. The fact that they’re this profitable and growing fast and still have a low market cap could lead to a 3-4 bagger by EOY [$5.10 to $6.80] or higher, and likely a 10 bagger in 2-3 years.
Almost a full 7 months later and the stock is .95 cents.
All the way down you have been telling us the same story,
week after week after week.
Over and Over and Over.
Pretty sure your credibility is shot. But by all means, keep trying.
Why not just tell us when you are done dumping stock?
Oh right...You need bagholders for your garbage.
Between you and Omri, I would say the two of you have cornered the market on...
Lack of Credibility! Well Done!!!