Comment by profitprophet1on Mar 10, 2022 4:28pm

Post# 34504414
RE:RE:RE:FINALLY !I don't think your post is going to age well at all. Time will tell, but here's why I think you are wrong.
The company is cash flow positive, has over 12 million dollars in the treasury, is in a growing industry, has elite/premier partnerships with Microsoft and Google, has an extremely invested/skin-in-the-game CEO (67% insider ownership, most of which is Omri Brill), grew revenues 153% last quarter, and has won numerous industry awards.
I expect you know all that and are probably not genuine in your concerns. In all likelihood you're trying to scare off folks so you can get cheaper shares.
I've used these lower share prices to top up my holdings. Those who follow Zomd.v will be familiar with how fast things can change. It traded at 41 cents on March 2 and after stellar earnings is now (Mar 10) trading at 56 cents. That's 36.5% since March 2. We may not get that kind of parabolic rise, but I expect we'll see a nice bump up in share price.