Comment by Maggson Mar 10, 2022 5:30pm

Post# 34504680
RE:RE:RE:RE:FINALLY !It would be great if I am wrong. The only problem with that is the stock is in a death spiral for multiple reasons. I'm not gonna rehash the huge mistakes Omri has made. All shareholders care about is their ROI. The company performance seems fine. Their stock is on life support and getting worse everyday.
That is on Omri and is 100% his fault. No one cares about anything else. ROI is what investors want. Does not matter what the company has done or is doing currently. He needs to stop the bleeding using an NCIB or he is gonna risk losing more and more investors.
I will say it again...The companies financial performance has not mattered to the stock in a very long time. Even well before the markets took a header.
Let's face it, he is not leading at all. He is observing the train wreck of which he is the architect. Investors have zero faith in him and want out. They are speaking out loudly as he sits and watches things get worse. It's pretty bizarre to honest. I know he owns most of the stock so it's even more puzzling to think he just sits and watches the destruction of his own making. He seems pretty apathetic about everything.
As a shareholder, why would I buy more stock when the CEO says and does nothing even as the carnage continues?