Comment by
ComradeKomissar on Jun 21, 2022 10:01am
All that rip up to an almost 10 year high, and all shorty does is cover 6%? They do have quite the conviction.
Comment by
Maxmoe on Jun 21, 2022 10:45am
It's only "alleged" thus far. The conviction will follow a trial.
Comment by
Maxmoe on Jun 21, 2022 12:31pm
So I know two guys very motivated to get Ath back over $3 and keep it there. Broen and Matt had insider option exercises recently north if $3. I smell buybacks starting as soon as their debt covenants allow. This year for sure. Forget drill drill drill for now
Comment by
newtonboy on Jun 21, 2022 7:55pm
Lets not lose sight of the fact that on Friiday (June 17) over 60 million shares traded hands. We will have to wait til the next short report to confirm how many were shorts covering, unless someone has access to this info. My guess would be lots.