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Brookfield Infrastructure Ord Shs Class A T.BIPC

Alternate Symbol(s):  BIPC

Brookfield Infrastructure Corporation is a global infrastructure company. It owns and operates assets in the utilities, transport, midstream and data sectors across the Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe. Its operations include a United Kingdom-regulated distribution operation, a Brazilian regulated gas transmission operation and a global intermodal logistics operation. Its regulated gas transmission operation in Brazil operates over 2,000 kilometers of natural gas transportation pipelines in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais. Its regulated distribution operation is the independent last-mile, multi-utility connection provider, with approximately 4.5 million connections. Its global intermodal logistics operation is the lessor of intermodal containers with a fleet of four million containers representing seven million twenty-foot equivalent units. Operations include the acquisition, leasing, re-leasing, and subsequent sale of multiple types of intermodal containers.

TSX:BIPC - Post by User

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  • stockpunter2X
Comment by stockpunter2on Jul 18, 2024 11:30pm
Post# 36139509

RE:RE:RE:Time to take some profit?

RE:RE:RE:Time to take some profit?I'm going with the logic that says money will come back to high dividend stocks when the interest on GICs drops.  Not a fancy idea but probably correct.  I have been buying safe looking dividend players for my TFSA- about 12 stocks, mostly recommended in Globe and Mail model portfolios.  If the price of one goes up 10%, I bail and repeat, re-investing my accumualted dividends at the same time sometimes in one of my dogs, sometimes in something new. BIPC is up about 5% in my account, so I do plan to sell pretty soon.  BOC interest rates should go down next week.  Not exciting but seems to work and not losing my shirt in what has been a crappy 3 years in the Canadian market.
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