Comment by stockpunter2on Jul 18, 2024 11:30pm
Post# 36139509
RE:RE:RE:Time to take some profit?
RE:RE:RE:Time to take some profit?I'm going with the logic that says money will come back to high dividend stocks when the interest on GICs drops. Not a fancy idea but probably correct. I have been buying safe looking dividend players for my TFSA- about 12 stocks, mostly recommended in Globe and Mail model portfolios. If the price of one goes up 10%, I bail and repeat, re-investing my accumualted dividends at the same time sometimes in one of my dogs, sometimes in something new. BIPC is up about 5% in my account, so I do plan to sell pretty soon. BOC interest rates should go down next week. Not exciting but seems to work and not losing my shirt in what has been a crappy 3 years in the Canadian market.