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Canagold Resources Ltd T.CCM

Alternate Symbol(s):  CRCUF

Canagold Resources Ltd. is a mineral exploration company. It owns a direct interest in precious metal properties, known as the New Polaris property, the Windfall Hills property, and the Corral Canyon property, as well as a portfolio of smaller exploration properties in Nevada, Idaho and Montana. It owns a 100% interest in the New Polaris property, located in the Atlin Mining Division, British Columbia (BC), which consists of 61 contiguous Crown-granted mineral claims and one modified grid claim covering 850 hectares. The Windfall Hills gold project is located 65 km south of Burns Lake, which consists of the Atna properties, comprised of two mineral claims totaling 959 hectares and the Dunn properties, comprised of eight mineral claims totaling 2820 hectares. Corral Canyon property lies 35 km west of the town of McDermitt in Humboldt County along the western flank of the McDermitt caldera complex. Princeton Gold Property consists of 14,650 hectares and lies 35 km south of Princeton, BC.

TSX:CCM - Post by User

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  • MisterMarketX
Post by MisterMarketon Jun 26, 2022 12:43pm
Post# 34783101

Don't Change Horses in Mid-Stream

Don't Change Horses in Mid-StreamI do not think we should change horses in trhe middle of the stream.  Thw New Polaris drilling program was a sucess and now we should be progressing towards a feasbility study.  With rising inflation and economic uncertainty the gold market should be doing well.  Instead the gold indexes are making new 52 week lows and gold stocks are making all-time lows typical of summer trading.  Eventually there will be a rebound.  If the dissidents win will they make a private placement on the same terms initially offered Canagold, or will it be more dilutive??

Canagold has thew team with the expertise to develop a potentially very profitable mine at New Polaris.  Experience is important.  What do the dissidents have?

If New Polaris can attract the dissident's money Canagold shouldn't have any problem attracting other money.  A partner for development could be found by offering CCM shares equivalent to 25-30%  of the value of the company for sale to finance the feasbility study.  As management says, CCM is at a critical stage.  Once the feasbility is done things could drastically change as work is started on the development of one of Canada's richest gold mines.

Don't take the dissident's offer.  There will be better ones in the future.
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