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Canaccord Genuity Group Inc T.CF

Alternate Symbol(s):  CCORF | T.CF.PR.A | T.CF.PR.C

Canaccord Genuity Group Inc. is a Canada-based independent and full-service financial services company. The Company has operations in two principal segments of the securities industry: wealth management and capital markets. The Capital Markets segment includes investment banking, advisory, research and trading activities on behalf of corporate, institutional and government clients as well as principal trading activities in Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia and the United States. The Wealth Management segment provides brokerage services and investment advice to retail or institutional clients in Canada, the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom and Crown Dependencies. Together, these operations offer a range of complementary investment products, brokerage services and investment banking services to its private, institutional and corporate clients. Its international capital markets division operates in North America, the United Kingdom & Europe, Asia, and Australia.

TSX:CF - Post by User

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  • CriticalMind55X
Post by CriticalMind55on Nov 05, 2024 9:37am
Post# 36296833

CF Earnings must be good, nobody is selling but buying fast

CF Earnings must be good, nobody is selling but buying fast at the ask prices, just bought some more still cheap IMO!
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