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Converge Technology Solutions Corp T.CTS

Alternate Symbol(s):  CTSDF

Converge Technology Solutions Corp. is a services-led, software-enabled, information technology (IT) and cloud solutions provider. Its global approach delivers advanced analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), application modernization, cloud platforms, cybersecurity, digital infrastructure, and digital workplace offerings to clients across various industries. It supports these solutions with advisory, implementation, and managed services across all IT vendors in the marketplace. Its segments include Converge Hybrid IT Solutions (Converge), and Portage Software-as-a-Solution (SaaS) Solutions. Converge is focused on delivering advanced analytics, application modernization, cloud, cybersecurity, digital infrastructure, digital workplace, and managed services offerings and provision of hardware and software products and solutions to clients across various industries and organizations. SaaS is focused on digital transactions between individuals, businesses, and government organizations.

TSX:CTS - Post by User

Post by ideaguyon Nov 04, 2024 9:13am
Post# 36294947

RE:RE:RE:Believe in a turn around...

RE:RE:RE:Believe in a turn around...I'll share this.... I'm selling half my position. Clearly I'm no pro. 

Tom Lee on CNBC this morning mentioned choppiness is expected ahead of election.

Alec Young on BNN Bloomberg agrees to in his November appearance.

I guessing more red days to come for these small caps. Might buy more to bring my avg lower. Will keep an eye on here... But keep in mind... I'm no pro

I'm also holding Cable One... Let's see if I'm wrong about that one too lol 
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